On Sat, 16 Nov 2002, Ian Clarke wrote:

> How about another set of possible SplitFile settings, which would be 
> mutually exclusive with the above, that would allow streaming of things 
> such as mp3s and oggs:

My onjly issue with the above/below is the using oif the SplitFile prefix,
when they don't behave anything like standard splitfiles.  But someone
else mentioned this point and actually made arguments, iirc

> SplitFile.Continuous=yes
> SplitFile.Prefix=<URI fragment>
> SplitFile.StartTime=<hex. insertion time of first block in seconds since
>                      epoch>
> SplitFile.BlockTime=<hex. milli-seconds between blocks>
> [SplitFile.StreamInfo.<n>=<string>]

> Continuous=yes indicates that this is a continuous stream, rather than a 
> finite splitfile.

I assume this is the equivalent to my stream.type=live/stream.type=static
metadata, non?

> StartTime is the time in seconds since the epoch after the first block 
> was added.

Why not in blocks?

> BlockTime is the time interval between insertion of successive blocks.
> StreamInfo are arbitrary strings which can contain additional data about 
> the stream (such as format etc).

Well, the format should actully be a standard mime type, imho.  

One important thing to add, which I havn't implented in my stuff because
I'm sticking to ogg audio for the moment, is a header key, which points to
a key containing the header data for this file - to stream asf, for
example, you need to first prepend a generic ASF header to the stream.

> This may not be perfect, but it is a starting point.  Someone who 
> understands FEC can figure out how to add FEC functionality.

How *I* implented FEC functionality, is added metadata stream.fecn=x,
stream.feck=y, and then had each block as SSK@key/stream/block/splitblock.  
Before anyone asks, no you *can't* have a single metakey that contains
your FEC splitblocks for each block - what happens if you can't retrieve
that key?  effective redundancy is then zero :).

Freenet seems to be improving, btw - it's now keeping 75% of the keys from
fishland, which is up from 50% a few weeks ago.  I probably should look at
all of this again and see if the network is up to handling it again.

        - fish

p.s. yeah, i know that I should have replied to this 5 days ago - i went
away for a few days, and didn't catch up on my old email until today.

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