On 6/18/06, Colin Davis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

For one, keep in mind that these names are for the User's beneifit, not
the node's... In reality, "Charles"'s nodelist is a unique USK, at

So that means that the User might get confused, but the node knows the
difference between them.

Because the node knows the difference between them (the node knows teh
difference between the charles that Alice added, and the charles Bob
added, since the File includes the original USK), you can prioritize-
You can tell the name resolver to draw from the lists in in order of
their place in the file.. So if you have


Your name resolver will trust the top one more than the second, and so on.

Doing it that way automatically passes the order on to the people
subscribed to your list.. They inherit your trust relationship, and your
priority by default.

I think in practice, link pages would end up being uniquely named.
Do you have a better suggestion, without giving each node a user-facing
generated number?

Nope.  Propogating prioritizations was the best I could come up with
on short notice.  Or expose directory structures, like
Alice/Charlie/somesite and Bob/Charlie/somesite, but that seems worse.
Prioritization does mean that different people will have
Charlie/somesite resolving to different locations, though.  Which
means I can't necessarily assume I can give it to someone on a
business card...

In the extreme case, this enables a redirection attack if people high
up in the list decide they don't like someone.  And most users would
never notice it in all likelihood, so it's hard to police.

I don't see a good answer to these problems, unfortunately.  Keep
thinking, though, it's well worth pursuing.

(Actually I do have one idea on it, I'll give it some thought and post
if I still like it).

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