On Mon, Jun 1, 2009 at 7:20 PM, Matthew Toseland
<t...@amphibian.dyndns.org> wrote:
> - Significant improvements to the clean theme by Artefact2, including not 
> using buttons (and especially not black on dark grey text!), and expanding 
> the menus on mouse-over (using CSS only) so that you can access any menu item 
> with one click.

I definitely like the style changes, however the expanding on
mouseover thing I'm not so fond of.  You saw this type of thing on
websites a few years back, but these days almost nobody does it
because I think the jumping around confuses people.  I think these
things should be "click to expand", not mouseover.


Ian Clarke
CEO, Uprizer Labs
Email: i...@uprizer.com
Ph: +1 512 422 3588
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