On Wednesday 14 Aug 2013 18:24:44 Vladislav Sterzhanov wrote:
> - Added Plotting
> - First results brought by them
> _________________________
> | From now on the branch requires JFreeChart to compile, due to appearence
> of basic plot facilities in LinkStatisticsToadlet
> | Revelations: I'm almost sure that it's me who breaks some inner logic
> severely, but even after dozens of sanity checks results are as follows (10
> Mib transfer):
> [image: Встроенное изображение 8]
> So, the doubts here are mainly related to the fact that amount of data in
> flight (blue) steadily increases as the time goes on, though it was
> expected to chaotically increase and decrease as the new data is tranmitted
> and acked, but only in bounds of congestion window size (red).
> Suspitions:
>     - dynamically decreasing maxPacketSize? - No, in context of any given
> link with stable MTU it's always held constant currenty if I'm not mistaken
>     - lineary increasing inaccuracy between reported acked and transmitted
> size? the most obvious reason for it, but I've thoroughly inspected the
> sending callstack and it seems to include all the headers-overhead in
> reports..
> But anyway, if to look at short-run tests (where the impact of the
> described lapse is not so huge) it's evident that fred never fills up the
> congestion window fully - as I see it, the major reason for it can be in
> full-messages vs bytes measuring of cwnd size - any urgent-to-send ack
> message will count as a full-size one for PeerContext thus not allowing it
> to send others efficiently - investigation and plotting is currently going
> that way (after the bugfix of the issue above). Here's one of such (100Kib):
>  [image: Встроенное изображение 7]

Haven't reviewed the stats code. No idea whether it will be merged. Sorry about 
that. We will certainly merge any resulting transport layer fixes. I'll need to 
see quite a bit more before the "firm pencils down" date in September to pass 
you, let me know when you need help.

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