On Sunday 25 Aug 2013 15:52:55 Nitesh Bharadwaj wrote:
> Its been long since last update.
> Here I present a pre-alpha of the android application along with the
> changes required in fred. It presently supports bluetooth and wifi-direct
> based reference exchanges.
> The code for the server on home node is more or less unchanged from the
> previous update and the main changes are on the android part. Some of them
> pertain to
> UI and code structure: The UI had to be changed completely in order to
> support old versions of android. Presently, the main thread serves as the
> UIThread and it has a handler. Any other thread which wishes to change the
> UI sends a message to this handler and the UI is updated. There are some
> concurrency issues left out but these are rare cases (for example, a new
> node - other than homenode is detected on our LAN  while we are exchanging
> noderefs with a friend) and some work is left on this front. Other than
> these, UI issues are fixed.
> Bluetooth: I had to face various compatibility issues, especially on old
> android devices (<= android 2.1-Froyo). These devices cannot connect with
> newer devices in the way they are meant to  i.e. as described is Android
> SDK documentation. Following suit from
> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3397071/service-discovery-failed-exception-using-bluetooth-on-android,
> I had to use java reflections to grab a bluetooth channel and force
> connect. Note that this isn't so insecure as it sounds because any
> bluetooth connection requires initial pairing. Alternatively, we can only
> support devices > android 2.1.
> General Incompatibility Issues: For example, android ships Bouncy Castle in
> its packages but doesn't pack any one version completely.  We cannot build
> along with the official bcprov...jar because it gives rise to class
> conflicts with pre-shipped versions. The most used solution is to use
> spongy castle (modified bouncy castle) but I used jarjar to rename the
> classes and ended doing the same as what spongy castle does.
> Several such compatibility issues cropped up and delayed my project and I
> am determined to keep it up and complete in time frame
> To be implemented:
> #1 QR based exchange -  This should be for mobiles which couldn't use any
> other methods because of lack of hardware / any issues
> #2 Exchange over internet :
> Some discussion is needed in this respect but in general, public keys (DH)
> are exchanged by QR and the actual noderef is sent over internet (email?).
> This would be received by other mobile/ node(?)
> To try out the app:
> Build using Eclipse + Android SDK or ant + Android SDK from source
> https://github.com/NiteshBharadwaj/Freenet or alternatively, could be
> downloaded form
> http://www.mediafire.com/download/8h6889jtqpott5v/Freenet.apk
> Also, the modified fred and modified mdns-plugin need to be forked and
> built from https://github.com/freenet/fred-staging and
> https://github.com/NiteshBharadwaj/plugin-MDNSDiscovery-official

It's good that it's working!

How old is Android 2.1?

NFC is worth considering IMHO if you have time. Although maybe BT/wifi direct 
will use that for setting up a pairing? How much manual work is involved in 
setting up the bluetooth pairing? We did talk about e.g. using the QR code to 
exchange a key to set up the encrypted BT pairing? Is the user interface 
complicated because of justified paranoia about Bluetooth? How often are we 
going to not have wifi direct *and* not have bluetooth? Exchanging data between 
the 2 phones over the internet would probably have to use email because they 
are of course NATed ...

I will defer to nextgens on this stuff mostly. I don't have time to review it 
at the moment.

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