On Tue, Jan 7, 2014 at 6:56 PM, Matthew Toseland
>  > Are users asking for this?
> Yes, people are asking for it. And I said it would be an optional feature.
> And Freenet does not compete with Tor.

I never said it did, nor do I believe that it does.

But Freenet is a distributed datastore. It *stores data*, in a
> decentralised, censorship proof way. Which Tor does not do. Also IMHO in
> the long run it could have greater anonymity. We are not competing with
> Tor. We cannot possibly compete with Tor, because we do things
> differently, we provide a different product, and if all the user cares
> about is anonymity then they are going to use Tor, period.

Not if they are in China, where I believe Tor is quite effectively blocked


Ian Clarke
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