On Fri, Sep 06, 2002 at 12:46:44PM +0100, Matthew Toseland wrote:
< > 
> > We all agree that we cannot ask most all users to install browser
> > plugins, because maintaining such for X browsers on Y platforms is not
> > realistic. But most users probably don't give a hoot about complicated
> > attacks against their anonymity - wouldn't be easier to just make a
> > plugin for mozilla, and referr the small minority that do care (and who
> > are mostly computer litterate) to that?
> Mozilla is relatively easy to configure to be safe - turn off scripting,
> set the option to only allow images from the origin server. But it does
> have one really annoying anonymity-risking feature, which is that it
> feeds timed out requests into google, and I haven't found any way to
> stop this. I haven't looked at the code much though.

I think desired behavior would be something like the way browsers treat
SSL pages - warning whenever it is loads a page besides the current. This
would require a plugin, but it can't be hard (I even think an old IE
plugin did it some time the past).


Oskar Sandberg
oskar at freenetproject.org

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