On Thu, Sep 12, 2002 at 10:31:58AM +0200, Marco A. Calamari wrote:
> I cannot imagine a good technical reason for that.

It was a usability reason, FProxy should be a tool for retrieval of 
information from Freenet, there are much better tools for inserting 
information into Freenet.

>  From a normal user point of view, this fact transform
>  a read/write media in a readonly media; something that
>  the RIAA and other organization from the Dark Side
>  can just dream of.

Not at all, it just means that they can't insert with FProxy, I honestly 
doubt many people were actually using FProxy for inserting stuff (more 
likely they will use fcptools, freeweb, or frost).

> It is unreasonable that a normal user install and understand
>  other programs just to have the basic feature of writing a file
>  on Freenet; maybe the only good change would be to put a size
>  limit on that.

Writing a file on Freenet isn't of much use unless you have a mechanism 
to tell people where the file is.  This means that Frost is probably a 
better option, or if you want to insert a website, you will be using 
fcptools anyway.

> An artist friend of mine, that was partecipating to "Ars Electronica"
>  exibition in Lintz, showing an installation that use a Freenet gateway,
>  had major problems because she lost the ability to insert
>  without warning; I downgrade a node for her, but this was just
>  a stop-gap solution.

Well, insert functionality is back for the time being.


Ian Clarke                                        ian at freenetproject.org
Founder & Coordinator, The Freenet Project    http://freenetproject.org/
Chief Technology Officer, Uprizer Inc.           http://www.uprizer.com/
Personal Homepage                                       http://locut.us/
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