Hey all,
This is probably a good time for some more usability tests.  Its easy:

Find someone that knows how to use a computer (a
wife/girlfriend/parent/friend/sibling etc), but hasn't used Freenet before
and (ideally) doesn't know much about it.  Ask them to perform a specific
task, examples may include:

- "Find out what Freenet is and decide if you are interested in trying it"

- "Go to the freenet website, download and install the software, and find
some information about Iran"

- "Install Freenet, then post a message on Freetalk"

That type of thing.  In many cases they may not manage to complete the task
successfully, but take note of what trips them up.  DO NOT PROMPT THEM or
offer them help unless they are really stuck and can't make progress (in
which case take note of why), it should be just like they are trying Freenet
without you there.

Examples of problems to note:

- Can't find where to download Freenet from the website
- Confused by the installation process
- Install Freenet but don't know what to do next
- Think Freenet is broken because it doesn't respond as quickly as the WWW

Please do this, and report your findings here and/or via the bugtracker
(here is probably better so that we can discuss any problems before deciding
on the appropriate solutions).


Ian Clarke
CEO, Uprizer Labs
Email: ian at uprizer.com
Ph: +1 512 422 3588
Fax: +1 512 276 6674
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