Hash: SHA256

The stuff from toads original email that I didn't quote:

Merged this, but there are various things to deal with before
releasing it. Some of them serious.

(My version of changelog, I'm happy to keep yours, issues follow after)
Freemail v0.2.4: Reviewed zidel/next and merged into staging/master,
up to 59a5ac628c14a7437db66329343cc0a0d5cb08a7
- - Simplify, refactor parsing of ranges, remove duplicated code.
- - Error handling/checking/messages.
- - Logging.
- - Set Recent flag when copying message.
- - Print [HEADER] in BODY[HEADER] fetch response
- - Lots of tests / lots of work on tests.
- -- Increase protocol timeout to 10s.
- -- Parameterised tests. (Especially for l10n issues)
- -- Reduce duplication.
- - Simplify copy code.
- - Don't try to remove recent flag if not set.
- - Handle single parenthesis around entire search.
- - Charset support: Factor out MailMessage.getBodyReader().
Quoted-printable, base64 support (the message on disk is all 7-bit,
but a charset is specified in the header for the decoded bytes).
- - EncodingOutputStream: Encode messages sent via web interface.
- - Tests.
- -- Add support for tests.extensive flag.
- -- SMTP tests.
- -- Minor refactoring supporting tests.
- -- Various mock classes.
- -- Data for 2 fake mailsites, with addresses etc.
- -- Centralise/dedupe hardcoded identity data in tests, and test
identity creation.
- -- MessageTransportTest.
- -- Logging in unit tests (test.verbose)
- -- Add tools for sending and waiting for messages.
- -- ...
- - Flags fix.
- - Changelog: TODO deal with this.
- - FCPConnection: Always call super.finalize()
- - Various minor cleanups/refactoring.
- - Handle invalid From: header.
- - I18N: Specify date format more exactly.
- - I18N: getBytes("UTF-8") not getBytes(). Don't fallback to default in
- - Checks for impossible cases / future code changes.
- - Javadocs.
- - Indenting.
- - Use JUnit 4.
- - Fix some locale dependant bugs.
- - Fail auth for unknown account name.
- - Minor refactoring/cleanup.
- -- Move thread pools to Freemail from FreemailPlugin (reduce
dependencies), fetch via instance method.
- -- ...
- - SMTP:
- -- Remove dot padding when receiving message.
- -- Check result when sending message on messageSender.
- -- Command formatting.
- - Check for no RTS KSK on mailsite.
- - Don't move MailMessage when storing flags if src == dest
- - Handle WoT errors when matching identities.
- - Error messages.
- - Missing finally{close()}'s.
- - Update freesite link in welcome mail.
- - Logging.
- - Imports.
- - Add copyright headers.
- - Generate message ID's randomly, not based on date.
- - Replace the whole message ID, not just the domain, in
MailHeaderFilter, if the domain is not allowed.
- - Docs: Spec: define acronyms, fix section reference, fix quotes.
- - Add French translation.
Web interface:
- - Add About page with server and account info.
- - Use medium format for date/time.
- - Refactor, return an HTTPResponse (make testing easier) from WebPage's.
- - WoT Fallbacks:
- -- Outbox: Don't show nickname if identity not in WoT.
- - Don't register toadlets in constructor.
- - Close the correct stream after reading message content in
- - Handle messages with no From: header.
Build scripts etc:
- - checkcommit script: document, various improvements.
- - cobertura script (unit test coverage report).
- - checkstyle improvements.
- - test.xml_output -> output junit XML to build-test (e.g. for jenkins)
- - includeantruntime=false
- - new default target, dist no longer depends on unit and checkstyle-auto
- - Add descriptions for clean targets
- - Expand some long lines in build.xml.
- - Only run tests in org/freenetproject/freemail
Version: GnuPG v1.4.13 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Thunderbird - http://www.enigmail.net/


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