"Dr. Arne Babenhauserheide" <arne_...@web.de> writes:
> - New nodes in the network will not receive any local requests, so they
>   will only route half as many HTL18 requests. A new node will therefore
>   have not only half the anonymity set against an attacker, but also
>   only half the cover traffic.

Also the HTL18 requests that new nodes do receive will be more specific
to their location, so they might be distinguishable from their local


- Initial random routing could solve that problem (see
  https://github.com/freenet/fred/pull/529 ), but initial random routing
  actually makes correlation attacks easier, because it removes the
  requirement to know the FOAFs to do the statistics. Knowing all the
  CHKs for a given file would be a more powerful attack.

- Reducing the probability to decrement HTL18 could increase the cover
  traffic again — 75% to forward HTL18 unchanged would balance this
  change. To avoid increasing the average distance from senders, that
  might require reducing
  Node.canWriteDatastoreRequest to maxHTL - 1,
  Node.canWriteDatastoreInsert to maxHTL - 2.

- The impact is limited, because our peers route by our FOAFs, and since
  we’re most likely already close to their location.

Best wishes,
Unpolitisch sein
heißt politisch sein,
ohne es zu merken.

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