Now the search engine works but yesterday when I search "Rest" for example,
I got only some pages concerning recent Releases...
But Vincent, you're right, the site is really slow...

thks anyway guys

On Fri, Jun 19, 2009 at 12:16 PM, Vincent Massol <> wrote:

> Hi,
> Need 1: Be able to prevent some macros from execution in some
> contexts. For example in the comments field prevent usage of script
> and html macros
> Proposed solution: Use a Rendering Transformation with a high priority
> that removes (or that generate an error) those macros (the list of
> macros can be retrieved from a config file or from some execution
> context)
> Need 2: Ensure that renderers generate valid content (eg valid XHTML
> for the WYSIWYG editor). For example if the user uses the HTML macro
> and puts invalid HTML the WYSIWYG editor should still work
> Proposed solution: Use a Rendering Transformation with a low priority
> that traverses the XDOM to validate it (for example remove inline
> elements that are placed in a standalone context).
> Thanks
> -Vincent
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