--- Nick Fisher <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > I'll help any way I can with testing......
> > Well, we are coming along with the new windows porting of the
> packages,
> > if you want to help test them and help with the porting, then
> please
> > do. 
> How would I go about doing that? 

You need to setup a debian box, get all the packages described on the
page I sent you last http://introspector.sourceforge.net/dia_win32.htm

Then you can download and test the builds of the various packages, and
help fix some of the simpler bugs (like removing conflicting files from
the build) or help port some more packages.

If you setup the env correctly, you should be able to build and test
with just a simple command.

Well, under windows itself, right now, it is much more difficult, you
need to get the cygwin and the dpkg for cygwin. I have a bunch of
patches for that, and have ported some packages to it but dont have any

> Should I just keep an eye on the
> http://dia-installer.sourceforge.net/ page? 

Not yet, this thing is a while off from being installable, 
we are still working on compiling all the modules under mingw32.

> I can't find a Win32 Dia
> page
> on freshmeat :(

> Is there a beta testers list I should join?

The mailling list is here :


James Michael DuPont

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