Hi all,

I want to add several shapes with text already filled in in the
shape, preferably non-edittable. I see several solutions to this:

* Add a field 'text' to the textbox tag:
  <textbox x1="left" y1="top" x2="right" y2="bottom" text="Sample text"/>
  ...where "Sample text" is the default to initialise the text box
  with, when the shape is instantiated.
* Add to the SVG parser a way to parse SVG's text fields like
  <svg><text>Sample text</text></svg>.
* Convert the text to vector graphics, convert it to svg, and add
  those polylines to the shape file.

I prefer the first one, since it sounds quite simple to do.

Anyone knows how and where in the code to implement it?

Other suggestions?


Rutger Nijlunsing ---------------------------------------------------
Philips Medical Systems, Best, Building QV-160, Fax +31-402763816 <O
Phone +31-402762181,        [EMAIL PROTECTED] ( \
----------------------------------- MIMIT -- Advanced Development  X

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