Raymond wrote: "If Microsoft has such a problem with people hacking into the
loopholes of their closed source code, what type of malicious viruses will
we begin seeing if an Open Source Operating system such as Linux becomes the
dominant OS?"

I think we will see quick, decisive responses to hacks and vulnerabilities,
as opposed to MS's lies, delays, and obstructions. Anyhow, in some parts of
the world Linux is on its way to being the dominant OS.  Brazil hasn't
chosen Linux for its government's computers only because they don't want to
send millions of dollars to Bill Gates; it's because they know they can deal
with the problems that are bound to arise.

Open source in and of itself doesn't make a system more vulnerable, but it
does have an open and large community of programmers all over the world to
fix it FAST when it breaks or when some crook finds an open back door.  

I'M somewhat confused about why you are worried about open source issues
when the OS with problems is made by MS.  Under the scenario you describe
there is no point in using anything other than Windows because of potential
problems.  We already know what Windows is.  Linux couldn't be any worse
under any circumstances.

Jesse Sinaiko 

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