Hi everyone,

Given all the discussions surrounding educational blogs that have been blocked capriciously by Internet filters, I started thinked about what it would take to create the online equivalent of a "samizdat" network, similar to the system used by Soviet dissidents to disseminate banned documents. It's simple enough to take the content of a banned blog and recreate it elsewhere using RSS aggregators, but what if that new site gets banned as well? So, I came up with a fairly simple strategy to announce new URLs to large groups of people using SMS text messaging. Essentially, I'm combining the functionality of Google Groups and the SMS relay system Teleflip.com, so people can subscribe to a mailing list and receive brief messages via SMS rather than email. While the idea was borne out of educational censorship, there's no reason why the same technique couldn't be used to relay message during other situations, such as public emergencies, protests and the like.

For more info, please check out my blog:


This particular method will only work in North America, but other SMS relays similar to Teleflip.com would theoretically work elsewhere.


Andy Carvin
acarvin (at) edc . org
andycarvin (at) yahoo . com

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