On Friday, 15 March 2024 at 18:04:25 UTC, Inkrementator wrote:
You'll have to either fix the old vibe-d version, or fork msgpack-rpc to work with current vibe-d, whatever is more appropriate and easier.

I'm trying to fix it with the latest vibe-d 0.10.0, now the new error:

../../src/msgpackrpc/transport/tcp.d(13,8): Error: unable to read module `driver` ../../src/msgpackrpc/transport/tcp.d(13,8): Expected 'vibe/core/driver.d' or 'vibe/core/driver/package.d' in one of the following import paths:


that line is:

import vibe.core.driver;

Do you know where is `vibe.core.driver` in the new version?

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