I'm running into this COM related issue with some Windows headers, in the case when each GUID is declared in such a file as follows.
EXTERN_GUID(IID_IBlahBlahBlah, 0xabcdef12, 0x11d2, 0xab3a, 0xc0, 0x4f, [...] );
and ImportC which is compiling `blah.c` containing only a few macro definitions and a single include of a header file say <blah.h> encounters these and responds with
[...] waffle.h(123): Error: variable `waffle.IID_IBlahBlahBlah` extern symbols cannot have initializers
Presumably MSVC simply compiles such files, but DMD's ImportC is too strict to do so. I've worked around this in some very dirty and inconvenient ways, but am hoping for a real solution of some kind. I want to use some of these IIDs and CLSIDs so I need to make these declarations work in some fashion. Inclusions are nested so these may be far from the header file I am including in `blah.c`. Any help appreciated.

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