On Sunday, 24 March 2024 at 23:02:19 UTC, Sergey wrote:
On Sunday, 24 March 2024 at 22:16:06 UTC, rkompass wrote:
Are there some simple switches / settings to get a smaller binary?

1) If possible you can use "betterC" - to disable runtime
2) otherwise
--release --O3 --flto=full -fvisibility=hidden -defaultlib=phobos2-ldc-lto,druntime-ldc-lto -L=-dead_strip -L=-x -L=-S -L=-lz

Thank you. I succeeded with `gdc -Wall -O2 -frelease -shared-libphobos`

A little remark:
The approximation to pi is slow, but oscillates up and down much more than its average. So doing the average of 2 steps gives many more precise digits. We can simulate this by doing a last step with half the size:

double leibniz(int it) {
  double n = 1.0;
  for (int i = 1; i < it; i++)
    n += ((i%2) ? -1.0 : 1.0) / (i * 2.0 + 1.0);
  n += 0.5*((it%2) ? -1.0 : 1.0) / (it * 2.0 + 1.0);
  return n * 4.0;
Of course you may also combine the up(+) and down(-) step to one:

1/i - 1/(i+2) = 2/(i*(i+2))

double leibniz(int iter) {
  double n = 0.0;
  for (int i = 1; i < iter; i+=4)
    n += 2.0 / (i * (i+2.0));
  return n * 4.0;
or even combine both approaches. But of, course mathematically much more is possible. This was not about approximating pi as fast as possible...

The above first approach still works with the original speed, only makes the result a little bit nicer.

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