On Friday, 29 March 2024 at 00:04:14 UTC, Serg Gini wrote:
On Thursday, 28 March 2024 at 23:15:26 UTC, Salih Dincer wrote:
There is no such thing as parallel programming in D anyway. At least it has modules, but I didn't see it being works. Whenever I use toys built in foreach() it always ends in disappointment

I think it just works :)
Which issues did you have with it?

A year has passed and I have tried almost everything! Either it went into an infinite loop or nothing changed at the speed. At least things are not as simple as openMP on the D side! First I tried this code snippet: futile attempt!

struct RowlandSequence {
  import std.numeric : gcd;
  import std.format : format;
  import std.conv : text;

  long b, r, a = 3;
  enum empty = false;

  string[] front() {
    string result = format("%s, %s", b, r);
    return [text(a), result];

  void popFront() {
    long result = 1;
    while(result == 1) {
      result = gcd(r++, b);
      b += result;
    a = result;

enum BP {
  f = 1, b = 7, r = 2, a = 1, /*
  f = 109, b = 186837516, r = 62279173, //*/
  s = 5

void main()
  RowlandSequence rs;
  long start, skip;

  with(BP) {
    rs = RowlandSequence(b, r);
    start = f;
    skip = s;

  import std.stdio, std.parallelism;
  import std.range : take;

  auto rsFirst128 = rs.take(128);
  foreach(r; rsFirst128.parallel)
    if(r[0].length > skip)
      start.writeln(": ", r);

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