On Saturday, 6 April 2024 at 09:21:34 UTC, rkompass wrote:

I checked:

import std.stdio,

struct N(T)
  T last, step, first;
  bool empty() => first >= last;
  T front() => first;
  auto popFront() => first += step;

void main() {
  auto r1 = N!size_t(10, 1, 1);
  auto r2 = N!real(15, .5, 10);
and it seems to work as I said.

Thank you for checking again, but it is important to be solution oriented. How about Tuple?

Yes, it might be wise to use a tuple in this case:
  auto tuple = a.zip(b);
// [Tuple!(int, dchar)(97, 'd'), Tuple!(int, dchar)(98, 'e'), Tuple!(int, dchar)(99, 'f')]

  tuple.map!(num => num[0].to!dchar).write;
  tuple.map!"a[1]".writeln; // abcdef


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