"Andrei Alexandrescu" <seewebsiteforem...@erdani.org> wrote in message 
> Nick Sabalausky wrote:
>> The RDMD included with DMD is still 20090902, which is two revisions 
>> out-of-date.
>> The lack of the fix in r1315 ("Made relative paths searched from the main 
>> file, not the current dir") is a breaker for using RDMD with my projects, 
>> which is particularly bad since xfbuild (my other go-to build tool) seems 
>> to have become incompatible with newer D2s (Ie, certain basic things that 
>> work with newer DMDs get choked on by xfbuild). I know I can compile the 
>> latest RDMD myself, but anyone else compiling my stuff (or using my 
>> stbuild tool) has to do the same.
>> So can we please get the current RDMD included with the next DMD 
>> (particularly D2) release?
>> This has been brought up at least a couple times before, and didn't get 
>> any official response. Is there something preventing this from happening 
>> that maybe I could help out on?
> Walter, could you please update your build scripts to build and include 
> rdmd? It's an important tool. Thanks.

My last post was overly long-winded. Summay:

Is there a particular reason rdmd's (r1400) line #326 is:

    myModules[/*rel2abs*/join(rootDir, moduleSrc)] = moduleObj;

instead of:

    myModules[moduleSrc] = moduleObj;

...? (ie, rdmd prepends "path to the file with main()" to all of the 
relative paths in the deps file)

The former causes problems for me, but when I change it to the latter all is 
fine for me.

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