On Mon, 21 Feb 2011 12:40:11 +0100
Jens Mueller <jens.k.muel...@gmx.de> wrote:

> I don't know about upstreaming it. Certainly it would be nice. But for
> doing so I need polish it further.


> It seems that not many people are using CMakeD and there seems to be
> less interest in it. 

I believe many are waiting that D(2) become consolidated a bit, 64bit
port etc. At least, I'm the one of them. :-)

> But I assume this is going to change once 64-bit is stable.
> If I find some time I will build the above word cloud example for
> 64-bit and report here, if that helps you.

I'll take a look tomorrow closer look at CMakeD.

> Recently I've been a bit distracted from CMakeD development since I
> stumbled over
> Gyp
> http://code.google.com/p/gyp/
> and
> Premake
> http://industriousone.com/premake
> Both address similar needs like CMake but do not support D yet.

They look interesting, but I'm sure they cannot replace CMake and
therefore hope D will become 1st class citizen in the CMake country.


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