jhaynesatalumni wrote:

>  I just tried running multipsk under wine. After not finding the
>  volume control it put up a box that says something like it is trying
>  to access through 0000000000 and then puts a mess on the screen.
>  What incantation are you using to get it to work?

No, did not resort to flute music at all.

It started receiving. It keyed the PTT. I was in a hurry and did not 
insist on squeezing a QSO
out of my limited time to comply with other commitments.

Will try again and see. It was a couple of weeks ago.

Jose, CO2JA


XIII Convención Científica de Ingeniería y Arquitectura
28/noviembre al 1/diciembre de 2006
Cujae, Ciudad de la Habana, Cuba

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