Dave wrote:

>  I'm feeding audio from my IC-746 (non-Pro) to the PC from the ACC-1
>  jack so I can have constant audio level. I feed audio from the
>  external speaker jack to an external speaker (novel concept!). The
>  problem I'm encountering is that I share the shack with the XYL, who
>  is only a few feet from me in the evening. No matter how low I turn
>  the audio down on the rig, the sound from the speaker is just a bit
>  too loud. This 746 has a very sensitive AF gain control, so that the
>  audio is either off or too loud.
>  Is there a way I could put a rheostat or potentiometer in the audio
>  line from the external speaker jack that would let me have more
>  control over the audio from the speaker? And if so, what value should
>  I look for to give a broad range of control so I can go from very
>  soft to normal?
>  Thanks in advance! Dave KB3MOW

You just need an attenuator. An L attenuator may be OK, one leg could be 
a 10 ohm resistor, and the other leg
your 4 ohms speaker....

If your amplifier does not dislike 14 ohms, it avoids twaking inside the 
radio's belly.

Jose, CO2JA


XIII Convención Científica de Ingeniería y Arquitectura
28/noviembre al 1/diciembre de 2006
Cujae, Ciudad de la Habana, Cuba

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