Well, you're right IMHO, however, there's something more.  Generally, in 
country we've sacrificed personal freedoms by virtue of the DHS and the
Patriot Act, yet no one has complained yet.

Any interest by EMCOMM folks or anyone else who would entertain the
notion of giving away something else to the DHS for any reason such as
you addressed worries me greatly.  We're not a commercial service nor
should we even try to act like one.

Digital Radio and all other forms of technology we help develop should
remain within the real scope of this HOBBY.  If we help EMCOMM in
some fashion, super.  If volunteering our services to the extent we have
available, kudos to us.  But leave it at that and don't sacrifice anything
more of our valuable resources.  We're already out of sync with the
rest of the world, again IMHO for whatever that's worth.

Howard W6IDS
Richmond, IN

----- Original Message ----- 
From: jgorman01
To: digitalradio@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Friday, December 01, 2006 10:35 PM
Subject: [digitalradio] Re: USA: No Advanced Digital HF Data Comms

Your argument isn't logical.

If the NGO's don't have the resources to use the frequencies they
currently have assigned, where would the resources come from to allow
them to use amateur service frequencies reassigned to the land
fixed/mobile service?


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