DuBose Walt Civ AETC CONS/LGCA wrote:

>  SVCHOST (svchost.exe) IS a dog and CAN eat up performance on such a
>  short term/time basis that it will never show up in your task manager
>  and perhaps not even as a spike on you CPU performance.
>  The other possibility is that something is running in the background
>  (a ham radio program that you don't have running on other computers)
>  that has not totally closed down.
>  Go to your task manager and control panel > services and kill/stop
>  all un-needed programs/services and see if the problem goes away.
>  73,
>  Walt/K5YFW

This is an old doubt....what does SVCHOST do? What is it good for to 
have running on a
Windows PC?

I usually see SEVERAL instances simultaneously on the task manager.

Jose, CO2JA

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