Dave Bernstein wrote:

> As is often the case in engineering, Jose, perfect is the enemy of 
> good. What Rick KN6KB discovered while developing SCAMP's busy 
> detector was that he could detect CW, PSK, Pactor, and SSB at an ~80% 
> confidence level without enormous difficulty. SCAMP beta testers were 
> amazed by the effectiveness of this first iteration.
> Pushing the confidence level from 80% to 100%, however, would take 
> years -- if its even possible. But a busy detector that works 80% of 
> the time would cut QRM from unattended automated stations (like 
> WinLink PMBOs) by a factor of 5! 
> Your comment that "many think it is simpler than it really is to do 
> it WELL" is frankly moot; Rick demonstrated two years ago that useful 
> busy frequency detection was implementable on a PC and soundcard.
>     73,
>        Dave, AA6YQ

I understand that 80% is fairly good. Hope the long standing 
anti-automatic stations lobby sees it as acceptable as well.

What is seemingly left, then, is to simply push the busy detector into 
practice and 24/7 service.

Who will get the task done?

73, Jose


V Conferencia Internacional de Energía Renovable, Ahorro de Energía y Educación 
22 al 25 de mayo de 2007
Palacio de las Convenciones, Ciudad de la Habana, Cuba

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