Dave Bernstein wrote:
>  ......
>  So why don't we just "not operate in the middle of automatic
>  stations" and shut up, as you suggest? Two reasons:
>  1. unattended automatic stations with a bandwidth of 500 hz or less
>  can run anywhere in the data bands, so there is no safe frequency
>  2. failing to vociferously object to WinLink's QRM generation will
>  make it easier for the ARRL to convince the FCC to enact its
>  bandwidth-based frequency allocation proposal, which as a side effect
>  would greatly expand the frequencies available to 3 khz WinLink
>  PMBOs.
>  My belief is that the more amateurs -- everywhere in the world --
>  that understand the problem, the more pressure will be brought to
>  bear on the ARRL leadership to
>  a. modify its frequency allocation proposal
>  b. pressure the WinLink team to re-engineer WinLink to acceptable
>  operational standards
>  If you haven't sent email to Dave Sumner (ARRL CEO) expressing your
>  concern with the ARRL's support for WinLink, I encourage you to do
>  so; you need not be an ARRL member or US citizen to do this! Dave's
>  email address is [EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:k1zz%40arrl.net> .
>  73,
>  Dave, AA6YQ

Best post on this awful problem I have seen in years.  Good job Dave.

de Roger W6VZV

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