The initial proposal was 3.5 kHz bandwidth for any mode within certain HF band 



  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: kv9u 
  Sent: Sunday, March 25, 2007 00:56 UTC
  Subject: Re: [digitalradio] ARRL Offers Alternate Approach to "Regulation by 

  It was my understanding that the ARRL compromised on 3.5 kHz for SSB 
  voice when they submitted the request to the FCC. I think that ESSB 
  accomodation was part of that reasoning? Can anyone else recall that 
  initially they were proposing 3.0 and then moved it to 3.5?

  Or is it now that they want to limit the text data area to a similar BW 
  which currently has no limits? I support that and have lobbied hard for 
  it with Division Director and other decision makers, but I now some of 
  you would like to see very wide modes on the HF bands and if this came 
  to pass, it would not be possible to get that changed for a very long time.


  Rick, KV9U

  John B. Stephensen wrote:
  > The ARRL deleted other changes below 30 MHz, but wants to change the 
  > voice/image segment bandwidth from the existing "communications 
  > quality voice" to 3 kHz.
  > 73,
  > John
  > KD6OZH


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