
Most of us do appreciate the freeware authors. Even if not free as in 
beer.  However, where you and I differ is that if they are doing 
something illegal, I would not support them and would rather they not 
produce the software in such a case.

If what they are doing is legal, then very few would oppose their work 
except for those with agendas such as RMS who believes in totally open 
and free software in all cases.

This "external" use of GPL'd code is something that I have never heard 
of before and although some may not approve of this, if it is legal, 
then what can you say?


Rick, KV9U

cesco12342000 wrote:
> The rdft routines are not integrated into scamp, they are "external 
> exe's". Same trick is used by mixw, gpl-code is moved to an "external" 
> library.
> While this seems to be legal in the scamp case, the mixw case could be 
> different. To use GPL code in a library (.lib or .dll) the code must be 
> released under lgpl (library gpl) i think.
> My personal thougths: 
> It is very impolite to push a freeware developer to release his source with 
> legal threats. The developper will get angry and stop working (for free) 
> for the ham-community. This is an absolute NO-GO !

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