
Running it here, though not on HF, run on VHF occasionally, UHF rarely, 
and some TCP/IP.

If you have questions, I'll help if I can, if not, several of the 
developers are on the APRS yahoo group, and very responsive.


Erik, N7HMS
IRLP Node 3804 445.975 Simp PL103.5
North Bend, WA CN97ck

Emails sent directly to this address instead of going through a yahoo 
group are automatically processed as junk mail, so I never see them.  If 
you want to email me directly, please use 'mycall' at 12bars dot com, 

Andrew O'Brien wrote:
> that should be anyone HERE
> On 6/30/07, Andrew O'Brien <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>   Anyone hear running Xastir ?
>> Andy K3UK

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