Hey group, this is Frank K2NCC,

Just wanted to ask what is surely a noobie question or two.

If my waterfall (using MixW) can receive a signal between 300KHz and
3000KHz on the spectrum, that's my bandwidth of the radio, right? 
Seems to match what the manual says, 2700.

I've read where PSK31 is best at 1000KHz on the audio marker in a QSO.
But, one could QSO pretty far on either side of that line if you
avoid the fringes.  Right?

Oh, if it matters, the radio is TS-830S and a Signalink.

Well, the halfway point on the waterfall for me is about 1650 on the
audio marker.

I'm guessing that whatever frequency I'm on when I tune the signal to
that 1650 point, is the frequency they're transmitting on.  I asked
and have been very close, but can only hope that my rig is on the
mark.  Either way, it's not been off by more than 3Hz.  Since the rig
only has six digit display, I round it off anyway.

Is that the best place to transmit and receive?  Dead center of the
frequency seems to be the ideal place if both sides are doing the same.

73.  Frank K2NCC

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