Hi Peter,

You need to join the HFlink forum or the FlexRadio forum as not 
having a system here I can only tell you that what I coded into 
PC-ALE works when all else involved in the radio configuration is 
solid and that's about it on my end, I just don't have any feel for 
it beyond the PC-ALE side.

One last thing, CAT PTT is not the recommended form of PTT for any 
radio in my opinion for a number of reasons. Usually when its a case 
of PTT not releasing it is due to RF interference, that has occurred 
countless times with users where after working on their system 
cabling by adding common mode chokes and the like to reduce stray RF 
the issue goes away. Its usually seen during Sounding what with the 
rapid progress of coming onto a frequency and going into PTT, 
transmitting and then sending the CAT command to drop PTT, rather 
than sitting single channel, thus its seen with the ALE software 
operation and not other programs that provide CAT PTT, its something 
to due to the fast command sequence on the tail of an RF burst. It 
can be simulated with 3rd party software by timing another type 
of  Data or Voice transmission to end just as you drop CAT PTT or 
dropping CAT PTT while still providing the drive signal to see if 
under a similar set of circumstances dropping of CAT PTT will fail 
with other software, a few guys have done with systems to try to 
prove to me it was just a PC-ALE or MARS-ALE issue and seen that 
their other software hung on dropping CAT PTT as well.

/s/ Steve, N2CKH

At 08:52 PM 10/13/2007, you wrote:
> >
> >OK... I just downloaded #5.
> >
> >Note that if I use PTT to key the radio, it WORKS (yay!) -- but if I
> >CAT to key the radio, the radio will key but not unkey.
> >
>To follow-up my own post... With PTT, keying the radio works fine, but
>CAT control (such as changing frequency) is intermittent.  It'll work
>for a while and then just stop.
>I suspect that there's some odd interaction between the radio control
>implemented in PCALE and N8VB's vCOM drive.  But, as a result, I'm not
>having any sustained luck running PCALE with PowerSDR.  I checked the
>HFLINK archives, but didn't see anything specific to the SDR-1000 that
>was helpful.
>Just reporting what I'm experiencing,
>de Peter K1PGV

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