> Dan, KA3CTQ
> presently used CW calling frequencies world wide. These are 
> not "dormant" sections of the band. 
> ... PSK, Olivia, RTTY, and other modes use calling frequencies 
> in these ranges. 

Hi Dan,

Could you please give an example of the "CW calling frequencies" or
the "PSK" stations who regularly use these ranges? Other than contests
where RTTY or CW takes up the whole band, it is difficult to find
activity on the calling frequencies you refer to. 

By the way, it is important to note that expansion of the automatic
segments to provide a reasonable but small swatch of spectrum, will
lead to greater autonomy for the "calling frequencies" of the "other
modes"... not less. 

73 Bonnie VR2/KQ6XA

> 1805-1815 Worldwide
> 1990-2000 North America
> 3560-3610 North America
> 3590-3630 Worldwide
> 7100-7125kHz North America 
> 7100-7110kHz Worldwide (in the new international band)
> 7035-7045kHz Worldwide
> 10140-10150 Worldwide
> 14085-14125kHz Worldwide (n 14099.5-14100. 5 IARU beacon net)
> 18100-18109. 5kHz Worldwide
> 21090-21135kHz Worldwide
> 24920-24929. 5kHz Worldwide
> 28100-28199. 5kHz Worldwide 

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