Rud Merriam wrote:
> After a comment off list from Demeter I checked the Pactor specifications.
> It uses DBPSK or DQPSK. 
> Why do the reports about Pactor indicate it is more robust than the QEX
> article would indicate? 
> Rud Merriam K5RUD 
> ARES AEC Montgomery County, TX

If you go back to the DCC presentation of KN6KB of a few years back on his new 
software modem...he measured the robustness of Pactor, MT63 and several other 
modes and Pactor wasn't that much more robust than MT63 at a -5 dB SNR.

If I invested a $K Buck or so in Pactor III and WinLink, I'd claim it was the 
best thing since sliced bread...woudln't you?



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