Yes, the laws of physics do get in the way.

They say that wider bandwidth is the technique to use. The trick in that
situation is that the bandwidth is used by multiple users at the same time.
Everyone is background noise to the other guy. 

Rud Merriam K5RUD 
ARES AEC Montgomery County, TX

-----Original Message-----

It just seems to me that to replace existing technology, the newer stuff has
to be able to do all the old technology could do and much more in the same
or less bandwidth.  I'm not seeing this in these digital modes.  Yep, laws
of physics do tend to get in the way. 

Those interested in what can be done if the bandwidth were available should
read the proceedings of the AMSAT meeting held this month in Pittburgh.
They are talking about a geosyncronous satellite with 6MHz of bandwidth
available.  Supposedly being able to be reached with 5 watts and a 60cm
dish.  They think this is the future of emergency communications.

73 de Brian/K3KO

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