Mark Thompson wrote:
> ----- Forwarded Message ----
> From: John <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Monday, November 5, 2007 4:50:26 PM
> Subject: Balloon Launch
> 10 MHz Amateur Radio balloon to cross the Atlantic
>> The balloon payload will include a GPS unit and CPU that will regulate
> the balloon's altitude and send telemetry on 10.123 MHz in CW and RTTY
> formats.
> The 10 MHz transmitter will run 3 watts output into a half wave dipole
> hung below the balloon.

FCC part 97.203d says that this frequency (10.123) is not authorized for
automatically controlled beacon stations.  It is not clear that
this balloon is under any kind of manual control.  I see that telemetry
is an OK 1 way transmission 97.111.b.7, but there is the question of

Maybe someone can educate me how this is legal.

Rick N6RK

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