I  am just talking about sending the FLARQ "beacon" while in the shack.

On Jan 4, 2008 11:09 PM, Rick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The FCC is pretty clear on the definition of a beacon.
> 97.3 Definitions/ (9) Beacon/. An amateur station transmitting
> communications for the purposes of observation of propagation and
> reception or other related experimental activities.
> Here are the frequency bands that they may be operated automatically:
> 97.203 (d) A beacon may be automatically controlled while it is
> transmitting on the 28.20-28.30 MHz, 50.06-50.08 MHz, 144.275-144.300
> MHz, 222.05-222.06 MHz, or 432.300-432.400 MHz segments, or on the 33 cm
> and shorter wavelength bands.
> There are no HF or MF frequencies below 28 MHz that permit radio
> amateurs to run a beacon automatically.
> As I have pointed out, a number of ham activities that are claimed to be
> for the purposes of propagation, especially PropNet and the HFLinkNet
> appear to be illegal operations if they are being run automatically. It
> is stretching the rules rather thin but you could probably transmit
> "test" transmissions as the FCC says, "on any frequency authorized to
> the control operator for brief periods for experimental purposes."
> This is why Bonnie, KQ6XA freaked out so strongly with her personal
> attack on me for daring to actually ask the FCC for some answers to
> these very questions, but yet did not have one shred of technical
> information to suggest otherwise.
> These issues need to be addressed. Perhaps the FCC can change the rules
> to allow such operations in the future, but should the rules be ignored
> for now? I wonder if the OO program has been involved with any of these
> violations?
> 73,
> Rick, KV9U
> Russell Blair wrote:
> > My Question, is a beacon a beacon if is maned, or does
> > it have to be unmaned to be a beacon.
> > For me my beacon has not be on the air without being
> > here at the PC. So do we scrip the testing or find a
> > spot up on 10m.
> >
> > Russell NC5O
> >

Andy K3UK
(QSL via N2RJ)

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