HI Leigh.........

That makes sense, but it would require Patrick to work with the GUI
and he's not willing to do that, according to past comments.  I think
that would start a "domino effect" in the layout to remove clutter
and I don't think he wants to get involved in that.

Pity.  Great program and innovative otherwise.  I'd finally buy my
license for it if he'd work on that GUI...<heavy sigh>.

Sorry, Pat.  It's just a li'l issue with me.  I suspect most everyone
else has easily adapted to the layout.  Leigh just flicked my switch
with his observation.  No disrespect intended.

Howard W6IDS
Richmond, IN

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Leigh L Klotz, Jr." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <digitalradio@yahoogroups.com>
Sent: Wednesday, January 23, 2008 2:17 PM
Subject: Re: [digitalradio] Re: Redefining SSTV operations

Yes, but MultiPSK and DRM780 and fldigi and other programs already 
support MFSK and other modes.

My point is that few know about MFSK picture mode, even though it is 
implemented in many programs, because it is accessible only when in MFSK 
mode and is hard to find.
So, I propose simply making it more easily accessible, for example, by 
making it available on a main menu, or even as its own mode.  In 
reality, it would simply be MFSK and would start with the Open File 
dialog box for image types, and in the case of MultiPSK and PocketDigi, 
it would send the RSID for MFSK.

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