OK, granted this is a subjective question and people could possibly 
have various opinions one way or the other, but I'm looking to get into 
PSK31 and am shopping around for an interface between my IC-718 
transceiver and my PC.  Ideally I'd also like to get a solution that 
would also do other digital modes as well as CW, and allow automated 
control of my rig via the PC (or even remotely over the internet).  
I've seen several interface cables, etc. that connect to the various 
ports on a PC and I have all ports (i.e. USB, serial, etc.) to use if 
necessary.  I just want to find something that mostly works "out of the 
box" and doesn't cost too much and is reasonably flexible in terms of 
the digital modes it supports.  Thanks for any info/pointers..

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