This is good news, hope to find many good discussions there.

Andy K3UK

On Sun, Apr 6, 2008 at 4:08 PM, Bruce Walker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> With the big popularity of the new WSPR/MEPT_JT mode and software from K1JT,
> we've had discussions taking place on many mailing lists with lots of
> cross-posting.  We've decided to use the Yahoo group
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] as the central place for discussion of
> WSPR/MEPT_JT (along with the other K1JT modes), so if you are regularly
> operating in the mode, please join wsjtgroup if you are not already on it:
> In particular, I want to discuss things like frequency coordination,
> announce changes to the spot database site, possible changes to
> spot upload procedures, etc., and it would be nice to reach the WSPR
> community without having to cross-post to many lists with different
> charters.
> Thank you,
> --bruce W1BW

Andy K3UK
(QSL via N2RJ)

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