I have been able to send DBM messages through and get confirmation from 
the HFLink server station that they were processed through the Winlink 
2000 system server, (e.g., one in Perth), so it would seem that the 
syntax and the way I am formatting them is OK. Not sure why it did not 
do work previously, because as it turns out, the commands that I was 
using are the correct commands based upon the bbslink site.

Having said this, I do not actually receive the messages via e-mail to 
my main e-mail account. I have had one on 6-16-08 come through, but that 
may have been an AMD type. I can't recall. Nothing has come through in 
the past day or so with the messages that I had sent. I know that the 
Winlink 2000 system has had e-mail server problems from time to time and 
sometimes messages can take a few days to get the recipient, but this 
should be quite rare. I plan to do additional testing and will report on 
what happens.


Rick, KV9U

Patrick Lindecker wrote:
> I have a doubt. Do you know if LF character (CHR(10)) is really managed for 
> HFLink. Multipsk does not transmit LF as it is not useful for text (CR is 
> sufficient and is worth for CR/LF). But if LF is really necessary, I can, of 
> course, transmit this character.
> 73
> Patrick

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