On Tuesday 16 September 2008 11:29:17 am Hal wrote:

> netdate ntp.demon.co.uk         /or/
> netdate time-a.nist.gov
> hwclock -w
> will fix the time.

Yes, it will.

But ntpdate does much more than fix the time and date. It observes clock drift 
over a long period of time and applies constant corrections to the slew rate 
of the clock even when you are no longer hooked to the internet. And when you 
are hooked to the internet, it is constantly nudging your time to the correct 
time instead of providing gross jumps which can mess with computers that are 
doing time sensitive work.

It also takes into account latency of the internet so when you are checking 
time through a connection that is suddenly lagging terrible, it will throw 
those corrections away until it gets better ones.

In short, it's more accurate more often than cron jobs that make your clock 

"Ninety percent of politicians give the other 10 percent a bad name." -- Henry 

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