---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Guenter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Sat, Nov 15, 2008 at 8:45 AM
Subject: [digsstv] EasyPal, Internet, Hamradio a small info and a big

  Hello group members and readers,
Here is Guenter DD9ZO from Germany. Some of you know me as a
betatester and translator of EasyPal. I stopped this work in the end
of august 2008 due to my view of the new internet-features like
automatic ftp-upload vs. copyright etc. Now with the new version
(14.Nov.2008) of EasyPal there is a new feature build in. Remote
control of TX-time for a file over the world-wide web. Well maybe next
step ist remote control of searching on the HDD for a TX-File and
remote control for the PTT on the transmitter.
As I said in a message before, this is no longer my job and I do not
agree with this kind of features in a hamradio program. Here is the
E-Mail that I wrote today to Erik Sundstrup VK4AES:


Hello Erik,

downloaded the 14.Nov.2008 EasyPal-version from KC1CS webpage.
Installed it and read the update information. Then deinstalled it.

It is the next step in the wrong way from hamradio to internet

Please set my name, callsign and picture out of the slide-show in the
about-menue. Due to only a few users left here in the German-speaking
aerea of Europe, you also can cancel the German GUI in your program,
then there is more space for some new www-features in the program.
What's your next features? Remote keying of the transmitter and
automatic search for tx-pictures on the harddisc via the
world-wide-web? Let us all communicate via cellphone now, only the
display shows the callsign. Why using TX and RX, hundred of watts
energy and long wires for antennas, it is so easy to do the job on
landline and www... So Erik I'm a old fashiond man, thinking that
hamradio is a hobby that has a lot to do with radio over the air, not
via internetserver! So let me out and delete all my personalities in your

I no longer agree with this new features of the internet program
EasyPal any more.

Vy. 73 de Guenter DD9ZO


So I will say also Goodbye to all group-members and readers here in
this group, I think there is no need for me to post in this group
until a new digital-sstv program is on the run, featuring hamradio
things and not feeding "pimp my webpage" internet junkies.

Vy. 73 de Guenter DD9ZO.

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