I'm interested in comments about the current situation with regard to
multimode digital software.  When this group first started, Digipan
was not even released !  MixW then came out . Hamscope and others.  It
now seems that Fldigi, DM780, MMVARI, and Multipsk are the only
multimode options that are kept current.  MixW seems to be dying out.
 Of course there are others like Winwarbler that concentrate on the
popular modes, PSK and RTTY.  

I am not sure I should even list MMVARI as "current" since Mako
appears to have backed away from amateur applications in the past
couple of years.  So maybe it is just Multipsk, FL-Digi , and DM780. 
Am I missing some other multimode applications that are updated
regularly with new innovations.  I'll define multi-mode as an
application with more than PSK, MFSK, RTTY, and Olivia.  

Andy K3UK

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