As some of you know I am going to be making a road trip starting Thursday mid 
morning sometime. I am heading up the east coast. I will have my APRS tracking 
system running, it is a TinyTrak 2 so messaging is not an option. For the hams 
with APRS you can find me under kb7tbt-9.

For those non hams or ham folks that don't have APRS I have my old faithful 
webpage still at:
My webpage has all the weather maps, bread crum trails maps and all sorts of 
other goodies to play with.
The webpage will automagicly refresh itself so no need to keep clicking it.

I will be traveling from NE Georgia to NE New Jersey. 
I will be on the 145.190 machine as long as I can hold it, the 6600 machine and 
has a gigantic footprint. 
After I am out of its range I will just be on 146.52.

APRS is set to WIDE1-1, WIDE2-2 @ 3min


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