My 2 cents worth:

I have tried them all and still prefer MixW.   It is a simple program yet 
does everything I want it to.  It is neat and orderly in layout and 
appearance.   It will use my RAC CD, a lot of  logging programs won't.  I 
just click on a callsign and the logging info fills right in.
I've tried MultiPSK, and to be honest, it does a lot, but gawd, that is one 
UGLY looking program.  I don't even like to look at it.  HRD is nice, but I 
don't need all those moving screens and options.. again, it is just too 
"busy" for me.  I don't need a computer program to change frequency for me, 
I can turn the knob myself.  I don't need  a program that is packed with a 
bunch of strange modes that are rarely, if ever,  used.  Fldigi won't run on 
my computer, but I notice a few things that would keep it from being my main 
digital/logging program.
We all have our likes and dislikes, none of us are right or wrong, just 
different in what we like to use.  Since MixW is not free, that alone will 
drive some guys to HRD, etc.    MixW's attraction for me is it's simple, and 
does it all.
If the authors of MixW decide to abandon it,  I'd keep using it unless 
another progarm came up with something really great that would entice me to 

73 de WB4M

> --- In, chas <ch...@...> wrote:
>> Rick W wrote:
>> > What is the attraction of MixW now that we have so many other multimode
>> > digital programs that are freely available with one program even open
>> > source and cross platform?
>> >
>> > 73,
>> > 

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