You'll probably find JT65C is needed on the UHF bands, 432 to 2.3GHz for 
example, to allwo for teh frequency spreading Doppler - abnd certainly for EME 
for which it was designed.   

Conversely, at LF, 137 / 503kHz, teh A varient is satisfactory and only 
consumes half teh bandwidth.


--- In, "Andrew O'Brien" <k3uka...@...> wrote:
> While addressing an ARRL LOTW uploading issue with JT65 modes, I began to be 
> intrigued about B and C that I have never tried .  Here is an old 2004 
> explanation from Joe Taylor.  Interesting ,at that time , that he was 
> suggesting JT65B be the standard
>    Mode   Spacing  Total BW
>   -------------------------
>   JT65A    2.7 Hz  177.6 Hz
>   JT65B    5.4     355.3
>   JT65C   10.8     710.6
> Note that JT65A is identical to the original JT65.  If you want to work 
> people who have not yet upgraded to v4.3.3, be sure to select mode JT65A.  
> Otherwise, be sure to use the same mode that your QSO partner is using.  
> Cross-mode contacts will not work.
> JT65B should be nearly as sensitive as JT65A, and it will be twice as 
> forgiving of frequency instabilities.  On balance, with existing "stock" 
> radios, JT65B will probably be better than JT65A.  JT65C is less sensitive by 
> a small amount, perhaps 1 dB, but will be even more lenient on stability 
> issues.  By all means experiment with the different submodes, and be sure to 
> let me know your conclusions about them!
> I am presently inclined to recommend that JT65B should become the
> "standard" JT65 mode.  If this tentative conclusion holds up, future versions 
> of the program may no longer support the A and C modes.

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