***********"Sync issues: 

The mode can lose sync now and then when signals collide. We haven't figured 
out a way around that other than dropping the link and reconnecting. 

Sholto and I thought that clearing the outgoing text would allow the mode to 
sit idle long enough to reestablish synchronization, but it seems the clear 
button does not actually clear what's in the outgoing buffer. We'll have to ask 
Patrick about that. "*****************

I have brought this up to Patrick a few times....I asked for a "slottime" or 
some random timer...
I think this would solve the problem. This is a MAJOR ISSUE with ALE400.
Until this is fixed...ALE400 will never become "mainstream"
I have been fighting this issuse sense ALE400 came out.
So far...he has not worked on that..maybe you will have better luck getting
him to address this.??!!??!!??
Maybe now that someone other than me and Dave "sees" this is a problem, Patrick
will fix it???

Trip - KT4WO
Mostly on 80-30meters

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